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I’m a planner. I am one of those leaders who enjoys
strategizing and mapping the most effective and creative course forward. That
kind of work thrills me.
So when plans go awry or I am in the middle of a mess or
when I can’t figure out the solution, I grow frustrated. My frustration becomes
a nagging worry. And in the middle of the night, that nagging worry seizes my
whole body with panic: thoughts race, blood pressure rises, and sweat breaks
out all over.
Too often when in the middle of these messes, we work and
worry harder and harder. Like the youngster working on a tricky story problem,
we often go around and around whipping ourselves into a frenzy disabling us
from seeing the answer.
That’s when we most need to be still. To listen. To hear the
Word of the Lord.
In my family, I find that the Word often comes through my
children. Their minds are not yet cluttered and calloused by the world. The
Scripture does not roll over them so easily while they fret inside. They have
not developed the adult ability of shutting out “the still, small voice.”
That happened today. Evan walked up to his mom and said,
“Mom, sometimes we have dark times, and we don’t know what to do. At those
times, we must NOT be afraid. God will give the answer.”
When I don’t hear well the still small voice within, He uses
the small voice of my child. And He bids me come as that child: remember “His
Word my hope secures.” Trust in His faithfulness and power.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the
peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6, 7).
Are you listening for the Word of the Lord? Are you letting that Word anchor your soul?
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